============================== Designers Make It Go To Eleven ============================== Presented by Idan Gazit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compromise is the soul of design. There's no way to get everything that you want. .. Design is a discipline you can learn. And you need to practice to level up. You drive a TV with a remote. You drive an iPhone with your whole body. Medium provides a constraint to your design. The most important constaints are audience constraints:: * Who * What * When * Where * Why Constraints inform choices. Based on science. User Experience Delight & obviousness Interaction Design input/output often confused with UX paving cowpaths User Interface expose functionality cues & clues affordance discoverability conventions interactability Information Architect info hierarchy sort criteria findability Visual Design visual hierarchy establishing connections mood & narrative beauty = performance .. Things that are beautiful (seem to) work better .. I need your help to make [my project] pretty. Designers will run away, screaming All the same reasons for working in OO, build up a resume, etc. As OO goes, Django is pretty designer-friendly. It appreciates non-code contributions: docs & tests. .. note:: http://bit.ly/suck-threshold Project templates would be awesome for new users. Pinax and the like are too heavy, though.